Unlocking solar for new apartment buildings

SolShare™️ is providing property developers, architects and electrical contractors with the ability to sell and build solar-enabled apartments. 

This world-first technology enables each apartment to access clean, affordable energy, not just the common areas in a building, without having to lock buyers into an embedded network.

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How it works

SolShare is the world’s only “behind-the-meter” solution for sharing a common rooftop solar system to apartments.

There is no need for apartments to sign up to additional billing services or solar trading platforms, making SolShare the most simple and affordable solution to rooftop solar for apartments.

SolShare is also used for offices, townhouses and small commercial applications, or a mix of all.

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Download our electrical Consultant’s Guide here to learn more.

Service engineers and architects can take our CPD points course to learn more about SolShare – find out more here.


Frequently Asked Questions

The SolShare comes with an industry standard 10-year warranty.

No. The beauty of the SolShare is that it can be connected to whoever is interested. So, if there are 30 apartments but only 15 want solar, the 15 of you can buy your own SolShare solar system. The most important thing to do is speak to the other owners as soon as possible to see who is interested.

Yes, any connection can be added to a SolShare system, including the common light and power.

The SolShare delivers solar under a ‘fair-share’ algorithm. The SolShare monitors how much energy each apartment is using (energy demand) and sends solar to where it’s needed, maximising the savings for everyone in the building. However, to make sure that everything’s fair, the SolShare logs how much solar’s been delivered to each unit and if it identifies that a unit has received more than the others it will start to reduce the amount of solar that it sends to that unit until the others have caught up.

Yes, batteries can be included in the system. Even better, because the SolShare is a shared system, your batteries will also be shared. This means that rather than needing to buy an expensive battery for every connected unit, you simply by a communal battery that everyone uses when they need it. This greatly increases their value for money.

Every SolShare installation is unique. Once we have gained the relevant information from you, we will introduce you to one of our certified SolShare installation partners. They will be able to talk you through what is most suitable for your building.

Typically, the SolShare is suitable for apartment buildings that have more than 6 apartments. Send us an enquiry and we will be happy to see if our technology is suitable for your apartment building.

As with all solar installations, every connected unit must have a smart electricity meter. If the apartments don’t have smart meters, don’t worry. Our certified SolShare Installation Partners will be able to guide you through upgrading. Residents can also contact their energy retailer directly and upgrade the meters in advance.

Every connected unit will receive feed-in tariff payment for any solar they don’t use.

The SolShare ensures that the same quantity of solar is delivered to each connected unit over the course of each month. It works hard to deliver each unit’s solar when they are using power and therefore when they’re going to save the most amount of money. However, if this is not possible and more solar is being delivered than can be consumed then it will be exported to the grid and your retailer will buy it off you.

Installing solar onto an apartment does more than just reduce the electricity bills. Studies have shown that property prices increase significantly when they have solar power. Landlords specifically report having less vacancy and increased longevity of tenants.

No. Residents can stay with their existing retailer, or to choose to change to another one. They can also access any market protections provided for vulnerable electricity customers, if applicable.

No. A subset of the apartments in new development can be connected to solar if that is preferred.

The SolShare maximises the potential of the available roof space by delivering solar electricity to the connected apartments that need it most. Therefore as little as 1kW per apartment (3 or 4 solar panels) is enough to achieve a significant reduction in electricity bills.

No. New build apartments can be connected via grid meters. Future residents can choose which electricity retailer they want to be with.

Your development will be one of the first in the world to have a shared solar installation. This is a major differentiation point in a competitive market.

Get ready to install shared solar by applying to become a partner below.

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